Myths and Legends of India

William Radice

Selected, retold, and introduced by William Radice, this is the 2001 folio edition of Myths and Legends of India.

India has been a fertile source of myths, legends, fables and folk-tales for more than 3,000 years. Even today, in towns and villages across the sub-continent, large audiences gather to hear storytellers and holy men recite the ancient hymns of gods, heroes and warriors of the Rig Veda and the epic poetry of the Mahabharata.

William Radice has drawn from Islamic, Christian, Hindu and Buddhust sources, and from Sanskrit as well as modern languages, for this specially commissioned collection. 

Folio Society
Hard Back
Myths and legends of india. A mythological character in dark blue, on a light background on the cover. Set on dark red background