Among the delights of secondhand books are the odd surprises tucked between their pages, pieces of paper that were once used as bookmarks – postcards, receipts, letters. At Richard Booth’s Bookshop, we call them ephemera, a word from the Greek ephemeros meaning lasting only a day, but later in the 16th century coming to mean trivia or bits of information of little value. Here are some ephemera from our collection that got us thinking.
The National Family Bible
In late July 2024, a customer called into the bookshop bearing a bag bulging at the seams. It was carefully heaved onto the counter, where…
Communication from Westminster
Hidden amongst the leaves of a book, a personalised note was left, presumably forgotten from when it was last studied. Dated 20th June 1969, the…
A Handwritten Note
Here at Richard Booths, we regularly discover something forgotten amongst the pages of an old volume. Most often, these items are bookmarks of some fashion;…
A Confession
Some time ago, staff at the bookshop came across something even more unusual than the regularly collected ephemera: a book itself. This book, a green…

“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind”
Virginia Woolf